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Friday, April 28, 2017

Kumpulan Puisi Chairil Anwar Membuat Terperangah

Kumpulan Puisi Chairil Anwar
Nama Chairil Anwar abadi bersama puisi-puisi nya yang tak lekang oleh waktu hingga saat ini. Beliau sosok penyair angkatan 45 bersama Asrul Sani dan Rivai Apin. Chairil lahir dan dibesarkan di Medan, sebelum pindah ke Batavia (sekarang Jakarta) dengan ibunya pada tahun 1940, dimana ia mulai menggeluti dunia sastra. Setelah mempublikasikan puisi pertamanya pada tahun 1942, Chairil terus menulis.

Bersandar pada tari warna pelangi
Kau depanku bertudung sutra senja
Di hitam matamu kembang mawar dan melati
Harum rambutmu mengalun bergelut senda
Sepi menyanyi, malam dalam mendoa tiba
Meriak muka air kolam jiwa
Dan dalam dadaku memerdu lagu
Menarik menari seluruh aku
Hidup dari hidupku, pintu terbuka
Selama matamu bagiku menengadah
Selama kau darah mengalir dari luka
Antara kita Mati datang tidak membelah…
Puisi chairil anwar: 1944
Cintaku jauh di pulau
Gadis manis, sekarang iseng sendiri
Perahu melancar, bulan memancar
di leher kukalungkan ole-ole buat si pacar
angin membantu, laut terang, tapi terasa
aku tidak ‘kan sampai padanya
Di air yang tenang, di angin mendayu
di perasaan penghabisan segala melaju
Ajal bertakhta, sambil berkata:
“Tujukan perahu ke pangkuanku saja.”
Amboi! Jalan sudah bertahun kutempuh!
Perahu yang bersama ‘kan merapuh
Mengapa Ajal memanggil dulu
Sebelum sempat berpeluk dengan cintaku?!
Manisku jauh di pulau,
kalau ‘ku mati, dia mati iseng sendiri.
Aku kira:
Beginilah nanti jadinya
Kau kawin, beranak dan berbahagia
Sedang aku mengembara serupa Ahasveros
Dikutuk-sumpahi Eros
Aku merangkaki dinding buta
Tak satu juga pintu terbuka
Jadi baik juga kita padami
Unggunan api ini
Karena kau tidak ‘kan apa-apa
Aku terpanggang tinggal rangka
Puisi chairil anwar: Februari 1943
kepada sri
Sepi di luar. Sepi menekan mendesak.
Lurus kaku pohonan. Tak bergerak
Sampai ke puncak. Sepi memagut,
Tak satu kuasa melepas-renggut
Segala menanti. Menanti. Menanti.
Tambah ini menanti jadi mencekik
Memberat-mencekung punda
Sampai binasa segala. Belum apa-apa
Udara bertuba. Setan bertempik
Ini sepi terus ada. Dan menanti.
Kelam dan angin lalu mempesiang diriku,
Menggigir juga ruang di mana dia yang kuingin,
Malam tambah merasuk, rimba jadi semati tugu
Di Karet, di Karet (daerahku y.a.d) sampai juga deru dingin
Aku berbenah dalam kamar, dalam diriku jika kau datang dan aku bisa lagi lepaskan kisah baru padamu;
Tapi kini hanya tangan yang bergerak lantang
Tubuhku diam dan sendiri, cerita dan peristiwa berlalu beku.
Rumahku dari unggun-timbun sajak
Kaca jernih dari luar segala nampak
Kulari dari gedong lebar halaman
Aku tersesat tak dapat jalan
Kemah kudirikan ketika senjakala
Di pagi terbang entah ke mana
Rumahku dari unggun-timbun sajak
Di sini aku berbini dan beranak
Rasanya lama lagi, tapi datangnya datang
Aku tidak lagi meraih petang
Biar berleleran kata manis madu
Jika menagih yang satu
Puisi chairil anwar: 27 april 1943
kepada pemeluk teguh
Dalam termangu
Aku masih menyebut namaMu
Biar susah sungguh
mengingat Kau penuh seluruh
cayaMu panas suci
tinggal kerdip lilin di kelam sunyi
aku hilang bentuk
aku mengembara di negeri asing
di pintuMu aku mengetuk
aku tidak bisa berpaling
Ayo ! Bung Karno kasi tangan mari kita bikin janji
Aku sudah cukup lama dengan bicaramu
dipanggang diatas apimu, digarami lautmu
Dari mulai tgl. 17 Agustus 1945
Aku melangkah ke depan berada rapat di sisimu
Aku sekarang api aku sekarang laut
Bung Karno ! Kau dan aku satu zat satu urat
Di zatmu di zatku kapal-kapal kita berlayar
Di uratmu di uratku kapal-kapal kita bertolak & berlabuh
Kalau sampai waktuku
‘Ku mau tak seorang ‘kan merayu
Tidak juga kau
Tak perlu sedu sedan itu
Aku ini binatang jalang
Dari kumpulannya terbuang
Biar peluru menembus kulitku
Aku tetap meradang menerjang
Luka dan bisa kubawa berlari
Hingga hilang pedih peri
Dan akan akan lebih tidak perduli
Aku mau hidup seribu tahun lagi
Waktu jalan. Aku tidak tahu apa nasib waktu ?
Pemuda-pemuda yang lincah yang tua-tua keras,
bermata tajam
Mimpinya kemerdekaan bintang-bintangnya
kepastian ada di sisiku selama menjaga daerah mati ini
Aku suka pada mereka yang berani hidup
Aku suka pada mereka yang masuk menemu malam
Malam yang berwangi mimpi, terlucut debu
Waktu jalan. Aku tidak tahu apa nasib waktu!

sumber :

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Review Game Never Winter (Video)

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Never Winter

Ok, I will tell about a game called Never winter. Neverwinter is a Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) free-to-play massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) for the Microsoft Windows platform. It was developed by Cryptic Studios and was released on June 20, 2013. Based in the fictional Forgotten Realms city of Neverwinter. Cryptic certainly gets the high-fantasy ambiance of Dungeons & Dragons right, at least, but Neverwinter isn’t an overtly pretty game outside of a few breathtaking vistas.

Gameplay, Players can become one of seven Dungeons & Dragons character classes and form groups of up to five player characters (PCs). Neverwinter is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition rules set. This includes the use of healing powers and action points, the latter of which is implemented through a system referred to as dailies, allowing a player to perform a special ability by accumulating enough action points through combat. A player-created content system codenamed "Foundry" allows players to create their own stories and quests.

Neverwinter is not a typical tab-select MMO. It is, however, a typical action game. There is a reticule in the center of the screen, but most skills still require a target to be used. In other words, if you're not looking at something, you can't use skills. Area of Effect (AoE) spells in particular have a large target on the ground where they will be used while the player manipulates its position with the mouse before activating.

Characters and Setting, The setting of Neverwinter takes place in a time when the eponymous city is plunged into chaos after the disappearance of the last Lord of Neverwinter. In the aftermath of the Spellplague and a Primordial Fire Elemental's almost destroying Neverwinter, as seen in the novel Gauntlgrym, the remaining citizens form factions and struggle for dominance over the populace as the dead begin to rise and attack "the city they once called home." Although Cryptic created an extensive storyline that complements this rich D&D world, it’s not the most trustworthy of dungeon masters. Even with questgivers delivering fully voiced orders by actors of widely varying competence, the plot never succeeds in forcing its way to the foreground of the experience.
Story, Briefly assuming her pre-lich appearance, the Lich Queen Valindra attacks the soldiers of New Neverwinter, as new grounds are being built outside of the original city, which is being repaired. Valindra's actions spark the Battle of the Bridge, in which Barrabus the Gray (formerly known as Artemis Entreri) and Drizzt Do'Urden are rumored to be present by gossipers at a pub in the shattered town of Luskan. Each soldier tells his own story of the battle until one soldier reveals that Valindra's attack was going badly until the blue dragon, a leader in the country of Thay, helped her escape. The soldier finishes by asking the people where they will be and what they will be doing when the dragon attacks again.
While Thay makes its own advances, the Netherese, under leadership of the necromancer Idris, take the lost artifact Deathknell and use it to forge an alliance with the barrow lords of Ebon Downs, thus providing them with the power to raise an army of dead to raze the Sword Coast. The Netherese have already destroyed the village of Grimhollow, prompting Lord Dagult Neverember, Protector of Neverwinter and Open Lord of Waterdeep, to recover the shards of the Deathknell and defeat the Netherese. Elsewhere, Traeven Blackdagger, famed privateer and plunderer of the Sword Coast along Neverwinter thought dead after the explosion at Mount Hotenow, has returned through resurrection and has once again begun plundering. The Harpers have decided to oppose Blackdagger, sending their agents to Blackdagger Keep at morning tide to take down the threat of the ghost pirate. Indeed, Neverwinter relies excessively on those hordes. Almost every single boss fight in the dungeons (single or five-man) relies on fighting a big baddie while staving off waves of his or her cronies.
Development, Atari bought Cryptic Studios in the fall of 2009. In late August 2010, Atari announced Neverwinter, to be developed by Cryptic Studios, with a release scheduled for late 2011. They revealed that the game would coincide with a multi-media event revolving around the city of Neverwinter, including the release of four books (one already in stores), a co-operative board game and a D&D role-playing game being released to promote the launch of the MMORPG. 

Sunday, November 16, 2014


The present participle of most verbs has the form base+ing. It is used in many different ways.
  • am working.
  • He was singing.
  • They have been walking.
  • We will be staying.
  • She would have been expecting me.
This construction is particularly useful with the verb to go.
  • She went shopping.
  • go running every morning.
  • He lay looking up at the clouds.
  • She came running towards me.
The pattern for this usage is verb + object + present participle. There is a difference in meaning when such a sentence contains a zero infinitive rather than a participle. The infinitive refers to a complete action while the present participle refers to an ongoing action.
  • I heard someone singing.
  • He saw his friend walking along the road.
  • I can smell something burning!
  • I watched the birds flying away.
  • It was an amazing film.
  • Dark billowing clouds often precede a storm.
  • He was trapped inside the burning house.
  • Many of his paintings show the setting sun.
The pattern with these verbs is verb + time/money expression + present participle.
  • My boss spends two hours a day travelling to work.
  • Don't waste time playing computer games!
  • They've spent the whole day shopping.
  • wasted money buying this game.
The pattern with these verbs is verb + object + present participle. With catch, the participle always refers to an action which causes annoyance or anger. This is not the case with find, which is unemotional.
  • If I catch you stealing my apples again, there'll be trouble!
  • Don't let him catch you reading his letters.
  • caught him going through my bag.
  • We found some money lying on the ground.
  • They found their mother sitting in the garden.
When two actions occur at the same time, and are done by the same person or thing, we can use a present participle to describe one of them. When one action follows very quickly after another done by the same person or thing, we can express the first action with a present participle.
  • Whistling to himself, he walked down the road. = He whistled to himself as he walked down the road.
  • They went laughing out into the snow. = They laughed as they went out into the snow.
  • Dropping the gun, she put her hands in the air. = She dropped the gun and put her hands in the air.
  • Putting on his coat, he left the house. = He put on his coat and left the house.
The present participle can be used instead of a phrase starting with as, since, or because. In this usage the participial phrase explains the cause or reason for an action.
  • Feeling hungry, he went into the kitchen and opened the fridge.
  • Being poor, he didn't spend much on clothes.
  • Knowing that his mother was coming, he cleaned the flat.
  • He whispered, thinking his brother was still asleep.

English Conversation (Expressions)

Agus        : hello, what are you doing ?
ikhwan     : hello, i want to sleep because i got toothcache
Agus        : why don't you go to the dentist ?
ikhwan     : i think you right. could you please accompany me to the dentist ?
Agus        : sorry to say that i can't
ikhwan     : how about tonight ?
Agus        : ok, i will be there
ikhwan     : ok, you must come to my house
Agus        : sure, i will be there
ikhwan     : would you care to bring me some of fruits ?
Agus        : unfortunately, i can't, you'd better prepare yourself. i will be there at 7 o'clock
ikhwan     : it's sound great but i'm not ready at 7 o'clock
Agus        : how about at 9 o'clock ? because i have another schedule at 10 o'clock so we need to fast   to do that
ikhwan     : that's a good idea
Agus        : ok. bye! see you later
ikhwan     : ok see you

Sunday, October 5, 2014

T-Bar Wedges

T-Bar Wedges: Floral T-Bar Wedges by Ezra by Zalora. Made from synthetic cotton, with flower pattern print on black strap, open toe, t-bar style. Floral pattern wedge with purple, salem, yellow and green color, perfect for your casual look.

Find this cool stuff here:

Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Pronoun Conversation with Video

Agus :Hi Guys, What Happened ?

Jay and heru :Nothing we just. . . .
Agus :Come on stop it
Jay :Okay okay what’s up  ?
Agus :I just want to see iqbal and suddenly I se you two fighting
Heru :Sorry but he took my cookies
Jay :What ? you first took my cookies last year
Agus :Come on man it has been last year
Jay :It’s just same like now
Heru :Okay sorry for took your cookies
Jay :No you must pay right now
Agus :Come on man don’t be childish but any one of you has seeIqbal ?
Heru: No, I don’t see him since yesterday
Jay :Sorry me too
Agus :Waalikumsalam ah at least Hi iqbal Where are you ?
Iqbal : Yo I’m home right now, oh yeah I want to tell you something about yesterday that Anna has said about yourself it’s so silly but she said those rats is so ugly, its mean you buddy sorry I don’t mean it but you know it ?
Agus : Them ?? I think I don’t know.
Iqbal : So why we meet ? atheru’s house right ?
Agus : I want to ask you something, by the way can you bring your cookies herefor heru and jay ? they have been fighting each other all day
Iqbal : Sure but now I will take a bath right now and after I take a bath I will rush into heru’s house right so see you later
Agus : Okay Walaikumsalam. Stop it Guys 

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